
What we do

Harnessing key trends
as drivers of success

We are continually exploring emerging trends and innovation in technology, therapeutics, and business models to accelerate access to modern medical care in growing markets and developing economies.

Technology adoption
Technology adoption

The rapid innovation cycle in global health technology , including AI, therapeutics, medical devices, regenerative medicine, and more, presents significant opportunities.

This is impacting drug and device filing, registration, and market authorization as well as licensing arrangements.

We seek to both invest in emerging ideas and connect businesses to new growth opportunities, particularly in rapidly developing markets across the Global South.

Global health security
Global health security

Increasing resilience in our society’s healthcare systems and processes to increase public and private health security has become a pressing need both nationally and internationally across borders.

With our international networks and relationships, we are uniquely positioned to be a key player in this emerging environment helping our partners to deliver and realizing our overarching goal of expanding access to modern health care.

Maturing regulatory environment
Maturing regulatory environment

The increasing momentum in regulation is creating clarity in, and thereby helping to enable access to, new markets as governments in developing economies seek to fast-track wider and more comprehensive access to health care for their populations.

This includes more rapid approval processes for innovative medicines, technology assessment and approval, and more structured clinical guidelines. We are able to navigate these new opportunities, benefiting our partners and the community.

Expansion of healthcare coverage
Expansion of healthcare coverage

There is a growing commitment of governments around the globe to drive universal health coverage policies.

In parallel, growing demand for health insurance coverage continues to demand innovative funding models.

In turn this requires the expansion of the role of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) models in healthcare to enable access, where we are ready and able to play an enabling role.

Patient centricity
Patient centricity

Increasing patient centricity worldwide continues to drive the importance of patient education and support programs.

We are ready to play our role in enabling individuals to take an active interest in their own health management.

Localization - local partnerships
Localization – local partnerships

Tailoring health solutions to local markets is a key pre-requisite for success. Government endorsement and incentives to promote local manufacturing are driving momentum and a rising investment in local manufacturing.

We are continually fostering our network of local partnerships, globally, to develop tangible and sustainable local solutions.