Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR), sometimes known as physiatry or rehabilitative medicine, seeks to enhance, or ultimately, restore functional ability and the associated quality of life to those patients with physical impairments or disabilities affecting the brain, spinal cord, nerves, bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, and tendons, whether impaired through injury, disease, or other disorder.
The Jameel Family’s involvement in this field dates to 2007, when, what is today the Abdul Latif Jameel Rehabilitation Hospital, began as a center to provide these services to the population in and around Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
Our partnership with Japanese biomechanical innovator, Cyberdyne Inc., brought a new dimension to this in 2017, when we were the first to introduce their treatment for spinal injury into the country.
Cyberdyne has been one of the world’s leading pioneers of wearable rehabilitative technology since 2004. Their Hybrid Assisted Limb® (HAL®) is the world’s first AI-enabled ‘Wearable Cyborg’ that synchronizes with the wearer’s neurological signal, reflecting their intention to move, with the motor actions of the device assisting patient movement.
Jameel Health were the first to introduce HAL® and ‘Cybernics Therapy’ into Saudi Arabia, at the Abdul Latif Jameel Rehabilitation Hospital, Jeddah, in 2017, and this was approved by the Saudi Arabian government in mid-2018. This successful relationship has since expanded significantly to include distribution agreements across the GCC states and beyond, establishing the Hospital as an important regional training center.
These remarkable advances offered by the Cyberdyne range of products, approved and used in over 20 countries worldwide, help enable patients with a disability to regain their mobility.
Visit: Cyberdyne
*The invention of Cyborg-type Robot (Japanese Patent no.4178186) was awarded the Invention of 21st Century Award by the Japan Institute of Invention and Innovation in 2009. Distribution agreement executed between Preferred Energy for Investments Company LLC (an Abdul Latif Jameel Enterprises company) and Cyberdyne Inc.